
It is time to Repent

Often on my many out-of- town trips, I would drive down the wrong road by mistake.  After a few miles I would realize the signposts no longer matched my directions.  Or the map clearly showed I was headed away from my destination, not toward it.


I could keep driving the wrong way, stubbornly insisting I would get there somehow.  Or I could backtrack---whining the whole time---until I reached the spot where I made a wrong turn and make the right one.  At that point I would be so relieved, so happy to be going in the correct direction, the whining ended and rejoicing would begin.

When we come to our senses, when we see our mistakes---our failures, our sins, our spiritual bloopers---for what they are, it is time not only to confess but also turn around and go back to where we know in our hearts we need to be.

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near.

Repent and believe the good news!”

Mark 1:15

We will not drive this road alone.  God (our heavenly GPS) will never turn His back on you.  Patiently, lovingly, the Lord waits for each one of us to stop and face Him once more.  He will not say, “I told you so,” but rather, “I love you so.”

“He is patient with you,

Not wanting any to perish,

But everyone to come to repentance.”

2 Peter 3:9

“Everyone.”  I guess that means, well, every one of us.  No matter what we have done.  No matter how deliberately.  All it takes: a change of heart.  And then a shift in direction.  If we are sorry yet keep on sinning, we are driving farther down the road that gets us no place we truly want to go.

To repent means to quit sinning, turn around, and walk back into God’s embrace…

realizing that God’s kindness

Leads you toward repentance.”

Romans 2:4

Here’s the thing: this is a well-traveled road.  You are, no doubt, going to stumble along this route again someday, repenting afresh.  Rest assured, God’s patience will outlast your obstinacy.  He will still be there for you.
